Wednesday, February 4, 2009

WOW!!! It's almost time to GO!!!!

I can't believe it's time! There has been a lot to do but the Lord has been faithful each step of the way. I've still got a few things to gather before the BIG Packing job I've gotta do. Well actually, it's big and small. See the trick to packing as most of you may know is all in the processing of what to take. Yep, it's not so much in how much but processing the "what" that makes it a BIG task.
Anyway,.. I appreciate you guys for checking in every once in awhile to see how I'm doing.
It's been a minute, as I would say, but I will be blogging more frequent as the time allows. 
If you can please check out a recent word Rob Hotchkin wrote on the extreme prophetic site. 
I'll try to include the link in hopes it translates.
This word says it all.
I hope you can see the link.
There is still a lot to do, .... wooo!
Thanks for your prayers and support!
Stay tuned!

~ J


tinajoy said...

girl-- praying for you! the journey has just begun! And if it were only about the flight-- but it's not... this is NOT the journey. It begins when you land. Allow the presence of the ONE who has called you to set his BANNER down where you walk. HE will claim that land for HIS kingdom. Love you and standing with you!! Don't forget to write when you land... some people have mommy complexes and like to know when you arrived safely :)

vave said...

ditto on the landing and letting folk kno... ya heard? But I rest in the Lord, He said you're safe and it's all good! LOVE YOU and praying for you and the team... Rob's word is right on.

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